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Learn How We Can Help You



Pedestrian and bicyclist accidents have increased dramatically over the years.  And because of their vulnerability, pedestrian and cyclists are more likely to be severely injured or even killed following an accident with a motor vehicle.  These types of accidents can lead to extensive medical treatment and significant medical bills.  What’s worse, is those injured may never experience a 100% recovery.  

It’s important to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney so that you get the compensation you deserve.  If you or a loved has been injured by an automobile while a pedestrian or cyclist, call the Jeffery Graber Law Firm for a free, no obligation consultation to see how we can help you. 


Unfortunately, car accidents are far too common in our everyday lives.  What makes matters worse is that insurance companies and those responsible for accidents are quick to deny benefits or attempt to avoid liability.  These actions often lead to lengthy and complicated legal battles.  

Our legal team gladly goes to battle everyday for those injured in auto accidents.  We go head-to-head with these bad actors so our clients can focus on their recovery.  

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, give the Jeffery Graber Law Firm a call today and get the legal compensation you deserve.

Collision Coverage


Being involved in truck or bus accident can cause life changing injuries that result in extensive medical treatment and significant medical bills.  That's why its important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

If you’ve been injured in a truck or bus accident the Jeffery Graber Law Firm is here to help.  Give us a call for a free, no obligation consultation.  


Premises liability cases involve suing a property owner for negligently creating an unreasonably dangerous condition on the property that results in an injury to another person.  This may include slip-and-falls, trip-and-falls, or the like.  

If you or a loved one has been injured due to an unreasonably dangerous condition on someone else’s property call the Jeffery Graber Law Firm today for a free, no obligation consultation and see how we can get you the compensation you deserve. 



The social security disability claims process can be lengthy and drawn-out. And given that roughly 60% of all social security disability claims are denied, it is extremely important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

If you or a loved can’t work due to an injury or illness call the Jeffery Graber Law Firm.  Our legal team will assist you every step of the way to ensure that your claim is processed as quickly and efficiently as possible.   


Too often we find that the medical providers who render treatment to auto accident victims are wrongly denied payment by the responsible insurance company.  Unpaid medical bills can wreak havoc on the injured victim’s emotional state as they witness their medical bills stack up.  It may also lead to the medical providers being unable to treat the injured person as it can difficult for them to take on the extra expense.  

At the Jeffery Graber Law Firm it is our goal to ensure that benefits are paid out by the responsible insurance company so that injured victims can continue their road to recovery peacefully.  If you are a medical provider that’s been wrongly denied medical claims, the Jeffery Graber Law Firm can help. Call us today for a free, no obligation consultation and see how we can get you paid.  



Dog bites can be especially gruesome and traumatizing, and the resulting injuries can be severe.  Our legal team is dedicated to helping dog bite victims obtain the legal compensation they deserve.  

If you for a loved one has been injured by a dog bite or attack call the Jeffery Graber Law Firm to see how we can help you. 

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